Help me remember Part II

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Help me remember Part II

Post by Cossid »

So as I'm implementing or planning features, I find myself having difficulty remembering certain things. The following are things I am not certain about and am looking for any insight on.
I'm sure I'll also have more questions as I continue on.

Ship travel speed: Obviously we know the warp speeds of ships ranged from 11-15 with a max redline of 18, but how did warp speed relate to travel time? A straight warp to ly/sec doesn't seem correct as it would mean that it would only take 3 minutes and 25 seconds to fly diagonally across the galaxy (with acceleration not being factored in) at warp 11.

Spinning in a circle in hyperspace: I seem to recall war war 999,3 would be the preferred entry to spin you 1/4 turn per update allowing you best to empty all your torpedo tubes. Does this seem correct? Perhaps it was war 999,4?

DD & Cloaking: I have re-determined that all other ships could see 100LY with shields up (and 150LY with SEA) and 150LY with shields down (and 300LY with SEA). It seems like aside from DDs being cloaked to others at 60LY, they also had the ability to see further. I have found reference to seeing 300LY with SEA with shields up. I'm fairly certain they could see 150LY without SEA and shields up. This leads me to believe that shields down & SEA was effectless with a DD (but shields down meant seeing 300LY without SEA), does that sound correct?

Shooting Salvo missiles: I really remember things being sporadic for salvo missiles. Obviously BCs shot salvo 3's, and all other ships shot salvo 2's. Did you have to shoot a salvo 2 (or 3) times to kill it completely, or did a single shot do the trick? Were salvo 2 and salvo 3 handled in the same respect (IE, 1 laser/torp for salvo 1 or 2, but 2 laser/torp for salvo 3)?

Clearing your built up buffer: I'm fairly certain you had to push "-" when in quick keys mode (where up would speed up your ship, down would slow down... the mode nobody used). What was the command if you were using the regular command mode? Was is just clicking on your buffer number or right clicking on it, or was it a text command?

More to come as I think of them...
--Cossid AKA Caleb
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Re: Help me remember Part II

Post by Cossid »

More questions...

Entering a star: how many AU did it place you out. In discussions with others, the ranges 8-11AU have come up, but in the only screenshot I have that would appear to be close to an actual entrance, it shows at 15 AU.

Leaving a star: what was the minimum 100% safe jump distance? I recall 8-11 once again. What was the minimum distance with a chance above 0%? 5AU comes to mind.

Scout acceleration: How long did it take to get from a dead stop to full impulse speed. Recollections place this at 2-3 updates (I seem to recall the bar changing twice before hitting full speed). What about dead stop to full 15 warp? I'd assume it was in the 4-7 updates, but really don't recall very well.

Laser & Torp distances: I know for lasers, they needed 2 updates to fully recharge, otherwise you ended with a less than full charge. There was also a distance at which point damage started to decline, even at full power (for both torps and lasers), anybody recall what that was? Any new screenshots with any damage values would be helpful.

More yet to come I'm sure.
--Cossid AKA Caleb
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Re: Help me remember Part II

Post by Spectrum »

I would help but I never played SE.

All of the things your discussing were not part of MW3.
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Re: Help me remember Part II

Post by beaker »

The only thing I can remember that could help was that i remember when you entered a system, it did not place you far enough out to guarantee that you had 100% chance of no damage upon immediately leaving (quite irritating for me lol)
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Re: Help me remember Part II

Post by Cossid »

Really? I don't remember that being the case. I know that I'd always jump out when leaving a planet at a range shorter than that of which I entered the star.
--Cossid AKA Caleb
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Re: Help me remember Part II

Post by beaker »

Yeah, there was several times in a fight i'd jump into a system only to try jumping out right away, and it would give me failure, may not have been often, but it did happen from time to time, quite annoying when trying to fight lol :)
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