Planetary Management Academy
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 5:24 pm
Greetings, Stellar Emperor Community,
Recently, some interest has been expressed to me relative to the possibilty of the reactivation of the PM Academy Alliance in SE.
I had considered the idea of re-activating PMA, but haven't for several reasons: First, time constraints - an issue I am sure we all face. I feared if I reformed PMA I could not devote the time and efforts to do it justice as leader.
Secondly, There really did not seem to be a need for PMA, given the relatively small player base. But since experiencing the excitement of Beta War 3, perhaps there is a place for a peaceful, neutral, non-aggressive, defensive alliance respected by the active alliances.
Lastly, and most importantly as far as I was concerned, I had not yet republished PM Academy Purpose, Philosophy, and Goals statements, or developed PMA History information for potential members of PMA, were I to reactive PM Academy. If I formed it, I would want to do it right, with players who respected all PMA principles.
So, anyway, decided to take the plunge - PM Academy will be an active alliance.
The following is PM Academy Information, for any interested parties. Thanks, Yoda
Welcome to the Stellar Emperor (SE) Planetary Mangement Academy (PMA) Forum Page. Thank you very much for visiting and taking the time to review the contents of this forum.
The purpose of this forum topic is to allow interested individuals to become acquainted with the Planetary Management Academy (PMA) Alliance, especially:
1.) Any individual player who might be considering membership in PMA, so they may gain and have a clear understanding of PMA's Purpose, Operating Philosophy, and Goals.
2.) Current members of PMA who wish to refresh their understanding of our Alliance Philosophy, and Goals.
3.) Others in the Stellar Emperor Community (SE) who wish to better know and understand the PM Academy Alliance.
The Planetary Management Academy Alliance (PMA) was formed in October, 1998, when a need was recognized for a home and haven for SE players who, because of time constraints that limited their participation in a particular war, or, simply for a break from and change of pace away from constant ship-to-ship combat and/or planetary attacks and defense, and/or, who wished to improve their planetary management (PM) skills with like minded SE players, desired an alliance dedicated strictly to the pursuit of PEACEFUL Planetary Management, respected by other alliances..
PMA was founded and is dedicated to the completely peaceful investigation, discussion, and advancement of the science, indeed the ART of Planetary Management.
PMA members NEVER shoot first; we only fire if fired upon, for defensive purposes. If you wish to engage in lots of space combat, there are martial alliances in SE. PMA is not one of them. However, if you do wish to engage in ship to ship combat, (duels, for example) no problem as long as there is clear consent between the parties to the combat.
PMA automatically honors and seeks peace with ALL other alliances, the Empire, and independents. PMA members will endeavor to maintain scrupulously polite, civil, cordial, and courteous communications on A-1 Channel, open to discussing PM thoughts with all SE participants, when and if possible.
PMA does not initiate planetary attacks, unless to take back our own planets wrongfully taken, or to remove obviously placed "staging planets" from our systems. Military action may be taken after all diplomatic means to resolve the situation have been exhausted, although peaceful Planetary Management is our ultimate goal.
PMA will maintain absolute neutrality in the political and military affairs of the galaxy, neither assisting or hindering other alliances or players, nor will PMA profit from the misfortune of others by colonizing planets open due to combat between other alliances. PMA can be likened to the Switzerland of SE alliances.
Scouting is NOT assigned or required. Any scouting done is strictly voluntary, but, scouting is not discouraged, if you have the time or inclination - after all - knowledge and information are power.
PMA is an alliance - not a dictatorship. We are here to have fun. We are open in our internal communications, using the alliance message system for almost all our discussions, so all members know what is going on and benefit from everyone's experiences. Our Philosophy can be summed up as follows: PM Academy Alliance is a peaceful, neutral, non-aggressive, defensive alliance devoted to Planetary Management pursuits.
The PM Academy Alliance, founded and maintained for the purposes of peaceful Planetary Management, has three main goals:
1.) Fun: Simply, to not lose sight of the idea that the game of Stellar Emperor is for FUN; our goal is to have a pleasurable gaming experience for all members.
2.) Camaraderie: To enjoy the interaction with and the company of like minded teammates, both live in the game and through the open message systems.
3.) Planetary Management: To facilitate the improvement of members PM skills, through general discussion, questions, comparison of experiences, and experimentation.
Recently, some interest has been expressed to me relative to the possibilty of the reactivation of the PM Academy Alliance in SE.
I had considered the idea of re-activating PMA, but haven't for several reasons: First, time constraints - an issue I am sure we all face. I feared if I reformed PMA I could not devote the time and efforts to do it justice as leader.
Secondly, There really did not seem to be a need for PMA, given the relatively small player base. But since experiencing the excitement of Beta War 3, perhaps there is a place for a peaceful, neutral, non-aggressive, defensive alliance respected by the active alliances.
Lastly, and most importantly as far as I was concerned, I had not yet republished PM Academy Purpose, Philosophy, and Goals statements, or developed PMA History information for potential members of PMA, were I to reactive PM Academy. If I formed it, I would want to do it right, with players who respected all PMA principles.
So, anyway, decided to take the plunge - PM Academy will be an active alliance.
The following is PM Academy Information, for any interested parties. Thanks, Yoda
Welcome to the Stellar Emperor (SE) Planetary Mangement Academy (PMA) Forum Page. Thank you very much for visiting and taking the time to review the contents of this forum.
The purpose of this forum topic is to allow interested individuals to become acquainted with the Planetary Management Academy (PMA) Alliance, especially:
1.) Any individual player who might be considering membership in PMA, so they may gain and have a clear understanding of PMA's Purpose, Operating Philosophy, and Goals.
2.) Current members of PMA who wish to refresh their understanding of our Alliance Philosophy, and Goals.
3.) Others in the Stellar Emperor Community (SE) who wish to better know and understand the PM Academy Alliance.
The Planetary Management Academy Alliance (PMA) was formed in October, 1998, when a need was recognized for a home and haven for SE players who, because of time constraints that limited their participation in a particular war, or, simply for a break from and change of pace away from constant ship-to-ship combat and/or planetary attacks and defense, and/or, who wished to improve their planetary management (PM) skills with like minded SE players, desired an alliance dedicated strictly to the pursuit of PEACEFUL Planetary Management, respected by other alliances..
PMA was founded and is dedicated to the completely peaceful investigation, discussion, and advancement of the science, indeed the ART of Planetary Management.
PMA members NEVER shoot first; we only fire if fired upon, for defensive purposes. If you wish to engage in lots of space combat, there are martial alliances in SE. PMA is not one of them. However, if you do wish to engage in ship to ship combat, (duels, for example) no problem as long as there is clear consent between the parties to the combat.
PMA automatically honors and seeks peace with ALL other alliances, the Empire, and independents. PMA members will endeavor to maintain scrupulously polite, civil, cordial, and courteous communications on A-1 Channel, open to discussing PM thoughts with all SE participants, when and if possible.
PMA does not initiate planetary attacks, unless to take back our own planets wrongfully taken, or to remove obviously placed "staging planets" from our systems. Military action may be taken after all diplomatic means to resolve the situation have been exhausted, although peaceful Planetary Management is our ultimate goal.
PMA will maintain absolute neutrality in the political and military affairs of the galaxy, neither assisting or hindering other alliances or players, nor will PMA profit from the misfortune of others by colonizing planets open due to combat between other alliances. PMA can be likened to the Switzerland of SE alliances.
Scouting is NOT assigned or required. Any scouting done is strictly voluntary, but, scouting is not discouraged, if you have the time or inclination - after all - knowledge and information are power.
PMA is an alliance - not a dictatorship. We are here to have fun. We are open in our internal communications, using the alliance message system for almost all our discussions, so all members know what is going on and benefit from everyone's experiences. Our Philosophy can be summed up as follows: PM Academy Alliance is a peaceful, neutral, non-aggressive, defensive alliance devoted to Planetary Management pursuits.
The PM Academy Alliance, founded and maintained for the purposes of peaceful Planetary Management, has three main goals:
1.) Fun: Simply, to not lose sight of the idea that the game of Stellar Emperor is for FUN; our goal is to have a pleasurable gaming experience for all members.
2.) Camaraderie: To enjoy the interaction with and the company of like minded teammates, both live in the game and through the open message systems.
3.) Planetary Management: To facilitate the improvement of members PM skills, through general discussion, questions, comparison of experiences, and experimentation.