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Stellar Emperor Client Alpha 0.6.1

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:22 pm
by Cossid
Current alpha release is 0.6.1 with a link located at the top of

Please start a new thread for each bug found so they can be properly tracked individually.
Please place general notes for improvements or changes in this thread.

Release notes:
  • Right-clicking command/radio button and selected channel A-C resulted in an index out of range error.
  • Traveling through a wormhole would render both star systems and result in errors when orbiting a planet.
  • Events that use a graphical slide cause an error while in radio room.
  • All Economic Reports would throw an error if you owned a large number (more than 4) of planets.
  • Engineering and Shipyard totals would not update when changing any of their sub-fields.
  • Reoccurring errors could pop up errors infinitely Similar/same errors, will be limited to every 60 seconds.